Thursday, March 14, 2013

Charlie Parker, Jr.

The second team member I will introduce you to is Charlie Parker, Jr. (AKA Parker). Parker is currently living in Columbia, MO and hails from St. Louis.

Occupation: Coodinator of Diversity Programs for the University of Missouri-Columbia.

Education: Mizzou

Family: I have a set of twin brothers and two sisters.

Hobbies: Music, creative arts, reading and sports. My favorite thing to do when I'm not busy is to clean and play my 12 guitars. I also clean my firearm/knives collection.

What are you most excited about with this experience?
To see and connect with the people and their culture.

What are you least excited about with this experience?
Early mornings and unknowns (KG note: I strongly second this).

How in the world did you convince your work to let you leave for four weeks?
I convinced them that I am a CIA sleeper agent and had been activated for duty to Central America. No, but really, it's part of my research and career field, so they are extremely supportive.

What do you think will be the most challenging/scare part of the exchange?
For me, I will be that guy whose main concern is the safety of my team, so try to be watchful and enjoy everything.

How are you preparing for the exchange? (Trying to learn Spanish? Studying the culture? Preparing presenations? etc.
Well, I feel ridiculous because I actually know Spanish very well but I can not speak it fluently. I can read and understand Spanish pretty fluently, so I am working on speaking more in Spanish. I have studied the Latin American countries and cultures for awhile so I'm pretty familiar with their customs. I am also hoping to find my significant other in one of these four countries, preferably Costa Rica.

What are you passionate about?
I am extremely passionate about diversity and multicultural issues. I will travel the world researching, learning and working with people on creating a global perspective of diversity and the need for it.

What book are you reading right now?
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.

 What is your hidden talent? 
I'm skilled in the art of argumentation and advocacy in reference to communication. I have also practiced martial arts since I was 8.

What is your favorite food?
Latin American in its entirety.

What are a couple of item son your bucket list?
Stand in all continents and to raise my children until the age of 6 in a foreign country (random, I know).

What is your biggest accomplishment?
Waking up every morning!!

What are your pet peeves?
Early mornings, people who complain, control freaks and the sound of leaves crunching.

What did you want to be when you great up?
I always wanted to be a rock star/songwriter and to one day perform in front of millions.

1 comment:

  1. Kim,

    What a good interview. I like his bucket list!!! What a great opportunity you all are having.

