Sunday, April 28, 2013

Day 28 Evening: A Beautiful Goodbye

Tonight was the final night of the conference. When we arrived in Panama we learned that tonight would be a white party... we had not packed for this. EEK! Christi and I tried to shop a bit for with little luck, so we made do with what we had. I did pick up this $6 black and white dress that worked out perfectly. Most clothing shipments go through the canal, so clothes are much cheaper here because they don't have the shipping cost to the US.


Our last night. I keep trying to think of the words, but I don't have them. Love is all I can think of. One of our hosts greeted me and said mi amorcita, my little love. Everyone we met has been so filled with love. Even the words they use about hosting us... they say they recieve us, like we are a gift to them. At the district conference we have gotten to see almost everyone we have met along the way. I'm not much of a cryer... but I keep tearing up every time I greet someone or leave someone.

It is no secret that we have had a lack of sleep this trip. And I am a person that needs sleep to be a functional human being. However, on this trip, I have had at max 6 hours of sleep per night... and that is a very generous estimate. The other part of this trip that is very difficult is being on point at all times with zero alone or rest time. I can not explain the exhaustion.

I literally just took a two minute nap. Seriously. We grab sleep everywhere.

With all of that said... we suck energy from our hosts and new friends. In every city we meet someone new that gives us such a boost. We want to talk to them, to learn from them, to laugh with them.

Hugging everyone goodbye was very hard. I honestly don't think I can ever say what their love, generosity, and kindness has meant to all of us. We have been humbled to the max.

To anyone reading this blog who has hosted us, driven us, spent an afternoon, a morning, an evening with us, eaten with us, laughed with us, talked with us, loved us...THANK YOU. THANK YOU. THANK YOU. We love you so much. You have no idea how much your life impacted us. We appreciate you taking the time out of your life to receive us. There are many times we did not speak the same language, but your kindness and love transcended any language barrier. Your smile gave me energy when I was too weak to talk. Your hug made me warm. And I think most importantly, you let me know I safe and at home. There are many wonderful aspects to this journey (the GSE), but you are the best. I love you all so much.

My wishes for you:

May the road rise to meet you,

May the wind always be at your back,

May the sun shine upon your face,

May the rain fall soft upon your fields,

And until we meet again,

May God hold you in the palm of his hand.

Santa Ana, San Salvador, San Miguel, Chinandega, León, Managua, Jinotepe, Granada, San José, Cartago, Heredia, Panama City:

Liliana, Eli, Henry, Mario, Olga, Eduardo, Juan Carlos, Tony, Maybell, Meli, Niki, Sandra, Enrique, Manuel, Antonio, Jesus, Felicidad, Alejandro, Saskia, Julio, Jessica, Fernando, Francisco, Gladys, Ariella, Roberto, Roberto, y Roberto, Neny, Tito, Ramon, Lydia, Eduardo, Chuck, Alvaro, Humberto, Cristina, Jorge, and anyone I missed who we met along the way.

I will miss you. I will love you. And with all my being, I hope we will meet again.


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