Sunday, April 28, 2013

Day 28: Fast Forward

I'm skipping forward a couple of days to day 28. Overwhelming is an understatement. The conference began on Wednesday and ended today (Saturday). Saying goodbye to everyone we have met was too much. So many tears were shed. And I feel like I only was able to say good bye to half the people I wanted to. You immediately start planning for the next time you might be able to see each other in super optimistic hopes you have time to do this again. I honestly hope I never forget this feeling and over the next 10 years I go back to each of these countries and these people.

I will pick up on the past two days later... but today I really want to just try to write about how amazing the past few days have been.

Wow. Okay. I want to try to express this with out sounding completely egotistical, but it's kind of crazy to go into a room of 200 people who all want to take a picture with you, and talk to you, and ask about your trip and your life and everything. It's really crazy and humbling. I keep fumbling over the words and they just don't come.

I'll start from the beginning of today. First off... hello camera! Mario and I got together for my camera exchange. Actually, I awoke from sleep with these words from Christi: 'You know what song is in my head?' and my response out of my sleeping haze... dah, da, dant, den, da, Chin, in, de, ga....'... incorrect. But, it was a good try.

We were picked up by Julio and Paul for a boat ride through the canal. Check that one off the bucket list.

El Salvador

Liliana and Henry
First beer cracked at 9am. Holy cow. Day drinking? Literally the first day of relaxing in 28 days.
Panama City in the morning from the boat
Costa Rica! Thank you Christi for the shades (that were my back up shades that I gave her about 3 weeks ago)
Our first beer, a few hours after 9a... meaning 11a. :)
And this is the Bridge of the Americas... too many jokes to write.
I could have an entire presentation over our weird sleep habits

And the canal!!!

See that white building? Look back to the day we visited the Miraflores locks to see exactly where were are in this pic.
Jimmy will kill me for this
Opening of the locks
Costa Rica
Apparently this is a party trick



1 comment:

  1. That emotion view photos is to remember all the beautiful moments we shared, love you.
